Cutting/Self Mutilation

If you need help with Self Harm, here is an Application that can help you calm your urges.

Self Mutilation has been a struggle for me since very young. I would purposely fall to scrape my knees to have them bleed and scab up. Box cutters, kitchen knives, collectible knives, forks, pretty much anything that can cause pain. A therapist once told me it was my way of taking my mind off the emotional pain. The pain inside was so deep that physical pain was less painful to deal with.

Now in our culture self-mutilation had been accepted into the tattoo culture. It was not until my husband understood my need to hurt myself. He made it ok to like and need things of Taboo nature. This is a very touchy subject because we have people branding themselves but we would never want anyone to take it too far to the point of no return. We do not condone suicide. We need you here on this earth with us! If you are having those type of feelingsĀ click here!